Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Well it has been a while.

Well it has been a while. BUT IM BACK! I will try to update more often. In any case today I will be doing a OoT review.

To start off I would like to say that OoT is NOT the best game in the series. It is one of the best I will admit that but I just don't think it is the BEST! To start off I'll give you each topic I think is worth mentioning at a time. The first would be Navi. Everyone says Navi is so annoying. Well I can say this. She talks to you every few minutes or so (To get technical I have not timed it out to see how long in between) but they built that in to remind you if you leave the game and come back after a long period of time and can't remember what you have to do or you may have missed where you have to go. To be honest her tips are actually kind of helpful to newbies. Like on my first play through I could never have beat an Armos statue without her. In fact I think she probably could have helped a lot more until I found walkthroughs and LP's. The fact is that she's not as bad as everyone says she is. The next is my view on characters. Before in Legend of Zelda we had many "interesting" characters but with OoT came more different character models. Though there still weren't that many there were a good amount. Such as almost every character outside in Kakariko had their own model. Each character had their own unique personality whether it was creepy to funny or making themselves look like an a** they still had their own thing. And on to Number 3 of my list to talk about. Number 3 is probably other than gameplay the most important thing to any game. Story. The story of OoT is one of their best. Actually all of them are great but OoT had one of the greatest and maybe was the best. At that time. Until of course MM. OoT's story line involved the first appearance of Ganon..........dorf. Though many could argue that Ganon  is the best Ganondorf just appeals to me as a better character. I wont go into detail about Ganondorf but maybe one day. One reason is that they give you a little story in the beginning and then then throws you into gameplay and after you learnthecontrolsdodgeboulders *insert Indiana Jones music here* gettheswordstartgrindingalreadyinthebeginningbuytheshieldtalktotheGreatDekuTreebeatthefirstdungeonandgettheSpiritualStonegofindZeldaaftermanytrialanderror THEN do you advance the plot. Suuuure you get some story from the Great Deku tree about the gods but it's very little and you don't need to know that.The thing that I like is that theres more gameplay than acual story but the story parts are important to the plot tell you whats going on without long LONG cutscenes and then right back to gameplay. Now onto Item number....4! Now Gameplay. The gameplay is fun and addicting except it can get tedious at times. And pissing annoying. (Boulder room :P) Though many reviews can say "The gameplay is fun and addicting!" I mean it. Though this game can discourage you at times. But it still wants you to play it over and over until you beat it. Now onto my final order of buisness. Controls. Controls in this game are good for the most part. Except if you used a GC controller on the Wii version. D*** BOW CONTROLS! The controls were great though as you didnt have to use the middle part or the Z button.

Thats about it for OoT so goodbye for now and Ill see you soon.

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